usofa BLOCKS food and water
[Actually this is exactly the
attitude they have IN the usofa with regard to the poor.]
FALLUJA, Iraq (CNN) -- Fallujans sought food and water at mosques in the northwestern sector
of city, military officials said Monday, while U.S. and Iraqi forces patrolled the streets for any remaining insurgents.
Although the International Red Cross and the Red Crescent have sent food and other aid to Falluja via convoy, the supplies
have been blocked from entering the city, a Red Cross spokesman said.
The spokesman said a relief convoy trying to enter Falluja on Monday had been turned back by Iraqi authorities or U.S.
Marines, The Associated Press reported.
An International Committee of the Red Cross spokesman in Baghdad, Ahmed Rawi, said no reason was given for the refusal
to let the convoy into the besieged city, the AP reported.
Rawi reportedly said that an Iraqi Red Crescent convoy of ambulances and supplies had reached Falluja General Hospital
on the city's outskirts, but was prevented from entering the city by U.S. forces and the Iraqi government.