"There is no other way
than to drive them out
in humiliation."
Unity, Freedom, Socialism
Struggle necessarily involves sacrifice, /Aflaq/ emphasized, but amidst fiery conflict and bloodshed,
each person "is forced to return to himself, to sink into his depths, to discover himself anew after experience and pain.
At that point the true unity will be realized, and this is a new kind of unity different from political unity; it creates
the unity of spirit among the individuals of the nation." Michel Aflaq, founder of Baath Party
There is no other way than to drive
them out in humiliation.
Those evil people /criminal invaders/
must be driven out of Iraq, the land of the Arabs, the land of the Muslims.
Be strong and fight, my mujahedeen, as God said that
the path to freedom is jihad and retaliation.
This comes from our history and must carry through
to the foreign forces.
They must be forced to leave
our country and free Iraq.
Allahu akbar
God is most great.